Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Deputy Mayor Goes to Jail, needs your help.

Friends and Colleagues,

Your help is needed. The PCYC (Police Citizens Youth Club) is having their annual fundraiser and as a consequence they are having me arrested to raise money for their cause. A minimum of $500 (and hopefully much more) bail needs to be raised for my release. If you can help please email back with your pledge to ensure I can be available for work again on Monday and not locked up in Hornsby mall waiting for help. Any donation, no matter how small, will add up. Also please note that all donations are tax deductible.
Also if you would like to see me and others be arrested on a trumped up charge and kept in a lockup right in Hornsby mall (outside Westfield Hornsby) I will be there between 10:30 am and 12pm (unless bailed out earlier) this Saturday (02/04/2011).
Looking forward to your support and to seeing you there on Saturday.

Michael Hutchence
Deputy Mayor
Hornsby Shire Council
0466 008 375

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