Monday, May 30, 2011

BCCT Letter to NDT ref NWRL

Dear Scott,

Thank you for the email and opportunity to provide you with the BCCT position on this issue

Public transport infrastructure is a necessity and should be a priority to reduce the car dependency of our ever increasing population in Sydney.

While the recent State Government announcements are positive, the BCCT would have welcomed a closer examination of the report by Sinclair Knight Merz prepared for Parramatta Council. We believe this is a forward thinking model that should be seriously considered.

It takes a polycentric approach which encompasses Sydney's future employment centres at Parramatta, Norwest and MacQuarie Park. This proposed rail link builds off the Epping to Parramatta Link and connects Parramatta to Rouse Hill via stations at Northmead, Winston Hills, Castle Hill, Norwest and Kellyville.

The proposed link will provide more desirable travel to commuters from the Hills. Even today 9000 Hills district residents work in Parramatta as compared to 8000 in the CBD.

Other positives for this option would be that it would negate the requirements of a second harbour crossing which has been estimated this year as costing $8b.

It is interesting that the NSW Government have appointed Nick Greiner to head up Infrastructure NSW and appear not to have waited for that organisation to be set up before making a decision on what will be the most important Infrastructure projects to be built in the next twenty years.

I hope that consideration will be afforded to do a side by side assessment of the two available options.


Michael Stove
Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust

Sunday, May 29, 2011

North West Rail Link - Update

An extensive article in the Telegraph on 27 May started with:
The state government is planning a new-look route for the $7 billion North West Rail Link - with additional train stations and an extension beyond Rouse Hill. Although the project remains a priority, it will also be "developed in parallel" with the federal government's $2.1 billion Parramatta to Epping line, according to new tender documents obtained by The Daily Telegraph.
The alignment of the North West Rail Link - drawn up by the Coalition since taking the project to voters at this year's state election - reveals six new stations over a 23km route from Epping to Rouse Hill, with mega-carparks for more than 3000 commuters.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Beecroft Cherrybrook Junior Rugby Club

The Beecroft Cherrybrook Junior Rugby Club is seeking sponsorship for their annual rugby tour.  This year the equivalent New Zealand club will be touring our area, and in June/July next year the BCJRC will be sending forty Under 10 and 11 players to North Island of New Zealand.
One way to sponsor this tour is to attend a Gala Dinner at the Castle Hill RSL club, Friday 12 August.  If interested, please email Mick Dalton, or the Tour Organising Committee, at

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

M2 Access to Chilworth Reserve

The Trust wrote to the M2 expressing concerns about limited access under the M2 through the Chilworth Reserve construction camp, and specifically expressing concerns about the crossing over the river on the diverted foot path.

The response includes:
"Regarding access, we have discussed the matter with the construction team who have confirmed that construction activities in this area are about to expand and it will be extremely busy with plant, machinery and construction works, hence being unsafe for pedestrian access. We will endeavour to reopen the access whenever it is deemed safe to do so, however at this stage we have to maintain the current access route/path nominated."

The Trust will keep trying to improve access on this right of way for residents of the area.  Note that recently the access path has been closed on some Saturday mornings as well as all weekdays.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Off Leash Dog Parks - Ryde Council's Trial Reports 7 June

A six month trial of dog off-leash areas across the City Of Ryde commenced on 27 October 2010.  That trial has now concluded. Council staff have begun assessing all submissions received from the community and the outcomes of the trial will be reported to Council on 7 June 2011.
In the interim, the current trial conditions for all parks included in the trial will continue until Council has made a decision on the future use of the park as an off leash exercise area for dogs.
For further enquiries please contact the Open Space Team on telephone 9952 8222.

Beecroft - Cheltenham Link Track Walk 19 June

STEP, a community based environmental conservation group, is organising a walk along the Link Track.  Start at 9:45 at the western end of Mary Street Beecroft.  This will be a 4km, 2 hour, walk through Chilworth and Castle Howard reserves.  Book by contacting Robert Bracht by email at, or on 0422 088 305.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Dust Concerns with M2 Project Widening

Response by M2 Project:

Thank you for advising us of this matter.
Dust suppression is taken very seriously by the project team as we are conscious of impacts it can cause on the adjoining community but also our workers who spend up to 10 hours standing next to it on site. Some dust from the activities being undertaken is expected however we are taking measures to mitigate the dust impacts at the source. 

These measures include use of water carts to supply water to hand held hoses, gurneys or milling head attached water spray units during rock excavation works. The project also ensures that the workers are educated to identify dust impacts and how to modify the operations where possible to minimise impacts. Site staff also monitor wind speed and direction and stop work when excessive wind conditions prevail.  It should be noted that while it may appear that only one water cart is in a location, it is often the case that more than one water hose is attached to it and multiple machines can be watered down. In addition to the standard use of hoses and gurneys to create a spray mist to reduce dust, the Project Team have recently installed spray heads on the milling machines that grind the rock back.

At the end of a work shift the excavated material is contained in stockpiles and watered down. In addition to that our afterhours dust control strategy has two water carts on standby to spray exposed areas and their use is initiated when forecasts indicate the possibility of strong wind. We have installed 2 dedicated weather stations at either end of the project that help us initiate this strategy.  
While we have a responsibility to ensure a balance between the dust control measures and water runoff excessive spraying might cause dust suppression and any potential health effects are taken very seriously. Our community complaints and information line 1800 196 266 is available at all times construction work is being undertaken and we would strongly encourage residents to contact us on directly if they have any concerns relating to the project particularly those that might be causing health issues at the time they are occurring so we can address them. 


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Dust Concerns with M2 Project Widening

The BCCT has forwarded to the M2 project concerns of residents about dust from the rock drilling currently taking place.  At least one resident believes the dust is causing her to have breathing problems.  The project has promised a rapid response.
This blog will keep you informed of events on this issue.

Transitional arrangements pending the repeal of Part 3A

The NSW Government has announced that Part 3A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 will be repealed. As such, transitional arrangements will be required for those projects which are already in the major projects assessment system under Part 3A.
On 13 May 2011, the Government announced several transitional arrangements, which includes revoking the Part 3A status of a number of residential, commercial, retail and coastal projects (see list below). Under these arrangements:
  • 63 projects will now either not be declared as major projects under Part 3A or will be immediately removed from the Part 3A system and generally handed back local councils for assessment and determination by the relevant Joint Regional Planning Panel.
  • 102 other residential, retail, commercial and coastal projects which have substantially progressed within the existing assessment process will continue under Part 3A pending its legislative repeal.
  • All applications for other project types (such as mining, chemical and manufacturing, agricultural, tourist and significant infrastructure proposals) which are already in the Part 3A system will continue to be assessed and determined under Part 3A pending its legislative repeal.
  • For significant private projects remaining in the system, the Minister will delegate his determination role to the independent Planning Assessment Commission (PAC), while smaller less complex applications will be determined by senior officers of the Department of Planning and Infrastructure.
  • The Government’s position of not accepting any new projects under Part 3A will continue.
The changes will be given effect via an amendment to the Major Development State Environmental Planning Policy.
A number of explanatory documents have also been produced to explain the changes made on 13 May.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Change of BCCT Secretary

Colin Johnstone has resigned as secretary.  The committee agreed to ask David Clark to become secretary when he returns from a trip abroad, and Peter Hewitt has taken over in the interim.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

North West Rail Link - Update

Tenders were called Friday for Engineering, Rail Systems and Technical Services for the NWRL.

"The Service Provider is required to develop the Concept, Reference design and delivery contract documentation for the North West Rail Link.  The project will provide 23km of new rail infrastructure from Epping to Rouse Hill.
The Service Provider will work closely with Department of Transport NSW to develop an optimal transport solution, with due consideration to the requirements of the network and metropolitan growth areas.
The Service Provider must have experience of developing designs of a similar nature on other infrastructure projects within a suburban environ and operational rail network."

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

M2 Response to a BCCT enquiry about the Murray Farm Traffic Lights

Thank you for your email and feedback regarding the temporary traffic management at the Murray Farm Road Bridge.

Several residents have also advised us of the traffic signal sensor issue and we believe confusion is created by the keep clear line marking at the nearby intersection. We have reviewed this set up in consultation with the RTA and will remove the ‘keep clear’ line marking. This work will be undertaken next week. A ‘STOP HERE ON RED SIGNAL’ sign already in place will be replaced with a larger sign.

We followed up your suggestion for the location of the advance warning Variable Message Sign at the corner of Murray Farm Road and Orchard Road with the traffic management team. Numerous locations closer to the traffic lights were considered however the current location was deemed most suitable as it ensures the sign is visible, does not block access to anyone’s property, it does not obstruct other signs and other signs do not obstruct its visibility.

Other locations that we identified it can physically and safely fit would result in it either
·         Blocking access to pedestrian paths or letter boxes
·         Blocking sight distances from driveways or side street
·         Be partially obstructed by vegetation or other signs we have installed

Please note that the four electronic signs including this one are acting as advance warning signs and will stay in place for approximately another 4 weeks before being removed.

If you have any further questions please feel free to call us on 1800 196 266.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Kirkham Bridge Traffic Lights

The new traffic lights over the motorway joining Kirkham St to Murray Farm Road have sensors to detect your car.  If you are the first car to stop in front of a red light, make sure you park close enough to the light pillar for it to detect you!  We have received reports of cars waiting five minutes, banking up behind the front car that wasn't close enough!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Chilworth Reserve Footpath

So much for the new footpath being open to the public over the weekend!  This was recorded Saturday lunchtime, after Friday's rain.  It was possible to cross by Sunday afternoon, but very slippery and dangerous.  Why can't we have our wooden footbridge?