Monday, June 6, 2011

Easy Access - Beecroft Railway Station Lift

Text of a letter from Michael Stove, President, BCCT, to Greg Smith:

Firstly, congratulations on your appointment as NSW Attorney-General. I am sure you are enjoying the challenges of your new position.
I wish to revisit some earlier issues that are currently unresolved and seek your assistance in securing a meeting with The Minister for Transport to discuss the Easy Access program. I am sure we are both keen to have a reassessment of Beecroft Railway Station for inclusion in the Easy Access Program. Added to this I would like to ascertain if the building of the proposed freight line through Beecroft will have an impact on the assessment for a lift.
I am happy, as the President of the Civic Trust to attend a meeting with yourself and the Minister if it can be arranged,
I look forward to hearing from you.

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