Tuesday, July 31, 2012

NWRL Submission Report

From NWRL Project:
The North West Rail Link has reached another planning milestone. The Submissions Report has been lodged with the Department of Planning and Infrastructure. The report addresses issues raised by the community, local businesses, government agencies and councils to the first Environmental Impact Statement. It is now available to view by visiting http://northwestrail.com.au/document/index/1#

One relevant item from the report is:

Cheltenham: The size of the construction site will be reduced by 2,250m2, cutting the amount of bushland that needs to be cleared. A previously proposed access road to the site from Castle Howard Rd will no longer be required, with access for light vehicles to the site to be from existing roads used to get to Cheltenham Oval;

The detail about the Cheltenham site is in Part 6, paras 6-43 to 6-46:
The plan still shows the construction of a concrete dual lane road out to Kirkham Street, with only the comment "Possible access from/egress to M2 Motorway" indicating what the Trust believes is the only sensible solution to this requirement. 
We do NOT want 1000 trucks transporting excavated soil through Beecroft, when they could go straight onto the motorway!  Nor would the NWRL be happy with just the Beecroft fire engine if there's a problem down under later on, with all the massed emergency service vehicles from the M2 and other regions queuing up to get onto Kirkham Street!

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