Monday, July 29, 2013

NWRL Meeting

There was a good turnout for the meeting, about 125 people, including three Hornsby Shire Councillors.  If nothing else people learnt what is proposed for the metro NWRL, although nobody could explain why it is being built this way instead of as something that can integrate with the rest of the Sydney rail network.
Apparently a lot of work is now being done by CityRail or whatever it is called this week, to adapt to suit the change of NWRL from integrated and going to the city, into stand-alone metro stopping at Chatswood.

1 comment:

  1. "a lot of work" sounds like the NSW version of "Don't you worry about that." Clearly the masters think the servants are not worth consulting, otherwise there would be something, however small, to show for all this "work".
