Tuesday, February 5, 2013

DA for Beecroft Shopping Village NE Corner

DA 38/2013 has been lodged with Hornsby Shire Council, to develop 36 residential units in five storeys, in the corner of the village bordered by Chapman Avenue and Wongala Crescent.
The Trust Committee is evaluating the DA details and will advise findings soon but meanwhile you can read about it yourselves on the Council website.  Contact the Trust Secretary for assistance if required.
Note, the area covered by this submission is outside the commercially zoned area, and is only zoned for five storey residential units.
Submissions close 6 March.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for bringing this to the public attention Peter. Lots to think about here.

    As someone whose children use the pedestrian crossing directly affected by this application it is of significant interest.
