Sunday, April 10, 2011

Hornsby Shire Housing Strategy

This is from Councilor Michael Hutchence, Deputy Mayor of Hornsby Shire Council.

Please find below the motion I moved as a mayoral minute in the mayor’s absence and managed to get full support for:  THAT:

1.    The Minister for Planning and Infrastructure be urged not to delegate his authority to make the Housing Strategy LEP to unelected bureaucrats, but instead to personally consider the implications of the Housing Strategy on the residents of Hornsby Shire. 
2.    The Minister for Planning and Infrastructure be urged to defer the Hornsby Housing Strategy in its current form to allow  Council to work more closely with the  State g Government in  developing a proposal for Hornsby  Shire that is palatable to the majority of residents rather than the current  Housing Strategy,  which  was opposed by approximately 90%  of residents .
3.    The Minister for Planning  and Infrastructure be advised that  Council wishes to meet its challenges for increased densities by way of focusing in on its major centres  such as  Epping, Pennant Hills and Hornsby in the longer term, subject to adequate infrastructure provision for those centres and by identifying shortcomings in current housing choice in the  Shire and exploring possibilities of medium densities in certain areas. 
4.  The Mayor write to the Minister for Planning and Infrastructure seeking a meeting with interested Councillors and senior Council officers to discuss options for a revised Housing Strategy. 
 . Council identify budget implications and funding sources for progressing a  Housing Strategy and master plan for  the precincts nominated as part of a revised Housing Strategy.

Michael Hutchence
Deputy Mayor
Hornsby Shire Council

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